Resipi Ayam Sambal Hijau

Monday, March 27, 2017

Image result for ayam sambal hijau

Bawang merah besar 1 biji
Bawang putih 5 biji
Lada cili ikut pedas yang anda suka
Garam ikut rasa
Gula pasir 1 sudu
Air asam jawa ikut rasa
Ajinomoto sedikit

Kisar semula bahan-bahan di atas, tumis dahulu
Letak air asam dan kemudian letakkan ayam.


Masalah Logikal

Monday, March 27, 2017


Image result for masalah logikal

                 Menyelesaikan masalah secara logikal memerlukan proses pengumpulan maklumat dan analisis maklumat. Analisis dilakukan bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi punca masalah yang kita hendak selesaikan itu. Proses penyelesaian masalah begini digunakan dalam pelbagai bidang, antaranya bidang kedoktoran dan bidang membaiki kereta rosak.

                   Itulah sebabnya teknik berfikir logikal dalam menyelesaikan masalah dikenalo sebagai 'teknik logik mekanik kereta'. Apabila menggunakan tekinik ini, kita mula berfikir selepas mempunyai maklumat yang cukup berkaitan masalah itu.

                  Banyak masalah tidak dapat diselesaikan dengan cara mencari dan membuang puncanya. Apabila kita tidak dapat melintas kerana terdapat sungai di hadapan kita, kita tidak dapat membuang sungai itu. Apabila mata kita rabun, dan kita sukar membaca, kita tidak dapat membuang mata kita. Bagi setiap masalah di atas, kita tahu punca masalah yang kita alami, tetapi kita tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah-masalah itu dengan cara mambuang puncanya. Hal ini kerana ia tidak dapat dilakukan.
                 Terdapat juga masalah yang mempunyai satu sahaja punca tetapi punca itu tidak dapat dibuang.

                 Banyak masalah terdiri daripda jenis yang hanya dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan teknik pemikiran 'desain' selain daripada analisis.

                 Teknik penyelesaian masalah cara logikal berguna bagi fungsi-fungsi menyelenggara sistem dan prosedur kerja yang digunakan pada masa kini.

Buat Duit Dengan Masalah

Monday, March 27, 2017

Image result for buat duit dengan masalah
                    Perkataan 'masalah' sering kali difahami secara negatif. ia menjadikan kita berasa gundah, keliru, dan berat fikiran. Kita sebenarnya perlu bersyukur kerana wujud banyak masalah di sekeliling kita. Masalah adalah sumber input yang besar kepada kesihatan otak. Masalah juga berperanan mengetengahkan dan meluaskan daya imaginasi kita.
                    Bagi kebanyakan orang, masalah adalah sumber rezeki. Selagi ada masalah, selagi itu mereka dapat mencari nafkah. Selagi ada orang yang melakukan kesilapan, selagi itu ada masalah yang perlu diselesaikan. Sesiapa yang berjaya mencipta penyelesaia, dia akan menerima habuan daripada kejayaan itu. Apabila tidak ada sesiapa yang melakukan kesalaha, apa-apa masalah tidak timbul. Apabila tidak ada masalah yang rumit, banyak pekerjaan tidak perlu dilakukan. Oleh itu, mereka tidak mempunyai peluang.

                    Bagi menikmati lebih banyak peluang, kita perlu mahir mengenal pasti masalah di persekitaran kita. Sebagai contoh, ada individu yang berjaya mencipta kasut tumit tinggi untu wanita. Kejayaan itu membuka peluang besar dalam industri fesyen, tetapi pada masa yang sama mencipta banyak masalah. Menyelesaikan masalah adalah aktiviti yang sukar, tetapi lebih sukar lagi adalah mencari dan menggubal masalah.

                    Adakah kita menghadapi sebarang masalah? keupayaan menyelesaikan masalah adalah penting, tetapi lebih penting lagi adalah keupayaan merumuskan apakah masalah yang sebenarnya sedang kita cuba selesaikan? seorang pengail terlupa membawa umpan. Aoakah masalah yang beliau hadapi? mana satukah masalah beliau? dia tidak mempunyai umpan? dia tidak dapat mengail? dia tidak memperolehi ikan? dia tidak dapat memakan ikan?

                    Sebuah syarikat memiliki menara pejabat setinggi 32 tingkat dengan 12 buah lif. Pihak pengurusan menghadapi masalah yang berpunca daripada ketidakpuasan hati para penyewa berkaitan perkhidmatan lif. Mereka memberi alasan kepada syarikat itu sekiranya masalah lif tidak diselesaikan, mereka mahu berpindah dan menyewa ruang pejabat di dalam bangunan lain. Mereka tidak berpuas hati kerana pada waktu-waktu puncak, mereka terpaksa menunggu lif dalam tempoh yang agak lama.

                   Waktu yang sangat tidak memuaskan mereka adalah pada waktu rehat tengah hari dan waktu pejabat ditutup. Pihak pengurusan memikirkan beberapa jalan bagi menyelesaikan masalah itu. Mereka rumuskan, penyewa tidak berpuas hati. Penyewa lari ini menyebabkan mereka mengalami kerugian. Jumlah lif tidak mencukupi, terutama pada waktu puncak. Antara jalan oenyelesaian yang mereka fikirkan adalah memasang dua buah lif baru di bahagian luar bangunan, tetapi kosnya terlalu mahal.


Makeup By Shebby

Monday, March 27, 2017

Makeup by Roza Abeza Rozan @makeupbyshebby


Best Friends Forever

Monday, March 27, 2017

Tuesday 21 March 2017..
With my bestfriend at my hometown Ayer Hitam Batu Pahat Johor Bahru

Ayer Hitam Batu Pahat Johor Bahru


Outfit Of The Day

Monday, March 27, 2017

Parit Raja Batu Pahat Johor Bahru



Monday, March 27, 2017


Wedding Day

Monday, March 27, 2017

Saturday, 18 March 2017.. 
Hari perkahwinan sepupu saya di Felda Bukit Easter Kota Tinggi Johor Bahru


TRACK REVIEW: Daydreaming by Radiohead

Monday, March 27, 2017

In 2015, Thom Yorke released a statement announcing that he is separating from his long-time partner, Rachel Owen:

“Rachel and I have separated. After 23 highly creative and happy years, for various reasons we have gone our separate ways. It’s perfectly amicable and has been common knowledge for some time.”

This of course came as a surprise to many of his fans. First and foremost, Thom is known to be a private person, and for him to release such personal statement to the public is considered as an uncanny action for him to do so. 

And second, Thom had been together with Rachel Owen for more than two decades and inevitably she had been a large source of inspiration for most of Radiohead's works. The statement was released before Radiohead's ninth studio album was released so the fans were anticipating for the album, later named as A Moon Shaped Pool, that perchance will be largely influenced by the separation. And it turned out to be true.

Daydreaming is slow and melancholic, yet it is confining in a way it makes the listeners stay throughout the song to absorb the meaning behind it. It's hard to decipher the real meaning of the Daydreaming; is it about Rachel? Or perhaps it's about the fans? Maybe it's about Radiohead themselves. Either way, the lyrics are written so profoundly, that whatever the meaning behind it you know the writer is heartbroken and tired. 

In the video, Thom Yorke is seen walking through 23 doors, looking lost and only to find his way by climbing a mountain and go through inside a small cave. This is seen as a metaphor, for many of the fans, as his relationship with Rachel. It's difficult to grasp the fact that Thom Yorke is unhappy with his love life. And it's even more shocking to find out that Rachel died of cancer last year, which concludes every depressing meaning Radiohead fans had been trying to accumulate from the song. 

There's a line in this song which says: "We are just happy to serve / Just happy to serve you." This of course seen by many as a hidden message for his fans. As a fan of Radiohead myself, this line genuinely breaks my heart. I cannot simply articulate how tired and broken Thom Yorke has been because of his band, but for the sake of pleasing the fans he is still doing whatever thing he is doing right now; pleasing the fans. And he managed to do so, perfectly.

Watch the music video below:


Lunch Time

Monday, March 27, 2017

I had my lunch at Restoran Sidah near Unisel. I had Nasi Kerabu and Sirap Bandung simply because I've been craving for both throughout the whole semester break.


Monday, March 27, 2017


Nak bercerita pasal adab ni senang nak buat and praktikkan dalam kehidupan tu yang susah kan? yelaa... kalau adab ni senang kenapa still ada je banyak orang takahu nak beradab. so kire adab ni susah la kan untuk orang yang tak beradap ? bukan marah cakap je....

So, for me benda ni simple je. kalau you nak orang respect you, have manners dengan you, you have to start it first with yourself. Belajar hormat orang then people will do the same to you.

No matter how educated you are learn how to respect people, Rasanya adab nak hormat orang, buat baik dengan orang ni benda first yang dah diajar sebelum kite kenal abc lagi. Our parents must have taught us to respect teachers, friends and the people around us.
Jadi benda ni semua berbalik kepada diri sendiri, tinggi mana pun ilmu, kalau tak reti nak hormat orang so for me orang tu nothing. Apa yang nak di banggakan kalau adab semudah tu pon tak boleh nak buat. tak berlu nak keluarkan duit pun nak buat baik ni. kite buat baik dekat orang, orang pun akan buat baik dekat kite, takda rugi apa pun.

Sejahat mane pun manusia tu, dia juga layak untuk dilayan jugak dengan penuh adab walaupun sebelum ni dia pernah buat jahat dekat kita. Bak kata selena gomes kill em with kindness gituu. LOL. tp bila dah buat baik dia still tak ada adab, batas kesabaran manusia ni pun ada limitnya, nak marah boleh but still dengan adab la jugak. mcm mne ? pergi google. haha

here my 2 cent post untutk renungan bersama.

"manners maketh man"- kingsman

Fight Song

Monday, March 27, 2017

Rachel platten

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep
Everybody's worried about me
In too deep
Say I'm in too deep (in too deep)
And it's been two years
I miss my home
But there's a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe

And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

A lot of fight left in me

This is my fight song (Hey!)
Take back my life song (Hey!)
Prove I'm alright song (Hey!)
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong (I'll be strong)
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

No I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Chill Chill

Monday, March 27, 2017

at nu sentral

green tea and thai tea flavour

Taste good. Must try! #chillchillah

Sunday Morning

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ever since we adopted the cat, we basically spend most of our time with her. Here's a photo of my brother playing with his new friend.

I went to a wedding near my grandmother's house in Setapak with my family. I was the one who drove and the experience was incredibly intense. At some point, I feel like I actually don't enjoy driving as much as I think I would. But I guess driving perfectly takes time, and I'd just have to practice more cause practice makes perfect....right?


REVIEW: Zefiks Collection

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Bila musim cuti sekolah mula, maka banyak tempat yang boleh pergi antaranya kenduri khawin orang. LOL .So today i'm wearing jubah from Zefiks collection.if you guys want the same jubah lke i'm wearing, you can go to their website or check out their pages on intagram zefiks.collection. check them out now!


Sauna And Steam Bath

Saturday, March 25, 2017

This place is located in Taman Melati where my father always visit to get his monthly sauna and steam bath treatment. I had the chance to try it for the first time today. The price is considerably cheap as well, offering as low as RM20 for an adult and RM10 for a child. There's also student discounts as well. The place is strategic, located near a mamak restaurant and you will pass by the shop if you're on your way to Sri Gombak. 

The sauna and steam room is highly comfortable for a first time customer like me. For ladies, there's a private steam room and a changing room so you wouldn't have to worry about privacy. Not to forget this place also offers free wifi and charging ports. On top of that, the owner is super nice as well so that gives this place a bonus star for its already high ratings!



Saturday, March 25, 2017


ABC sedap diminum lagi-lagi didalam cuaca panas. boleh melegakan tekak dengan rasanya yang sangat sedap.


How To Make Kimchi 👄

Friday, March 24, 2017

  • 3 Napa cabbage, stemmed and cut lengthwise
  • 6 to 8 cups + 1 tablespoon water, filtered or distilled*
  • 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon kosher or sea salt
  • 5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 daikon radishes, trimmed and cut into matchsticks
  • 1 bundle scallions, trimmed, cut into 1-inch sections
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
  • 3 to 5 tablespoons coarse Korean red pepper flakes*
  • 1 teaspoon white sugar
  • 1/2 nori sheet, torn into small pieces*

Cooking directions
  1. Rinse and prepare cabbage. 
  2.  Add 1/4 cup salt and gently massage salt into leaves while using gloves.
  3.  Pour water into bowl until cabbage is just covered, about 10 minutes.
  4.  Place plate on top of cabbage to weight. 
  5. Set aside for at least 3 hours or overnight, folding once or twice
  6. Pour cabbage into a strainer and rinse under cool running water.
  7.  Set strainer aside to allow cabbage to drain, about 20 minutes. 
  8. Dry mixing bowl and set aside for reuse.
  9. Combine sugar, pepper flakes, nori and sugar in a small mixing bowl. 
  10. Add 1 tablespoon filtered water and stir contents until a thick paste forms. 
  11. Combine 2 cups water with 1 tablespoon salt and stir. Set aside.
  12. Meanwhile, rinse and prep daikon, ginger, scallions and garlic.
  13.  Combine ingredients with cabbage in mixing bowl.
  14.  Add paste and fold until the cabbage is evenly coated with paste, about 2 minutes.
  15. Pack kimchi into Mason jar.
  16.  Add just enough brine from step three (if needed) to cover ingredients. 
  17. Seal and place jar on a shelf out direct sunlight for 24 hours. 
  18. After 24 hours, open jar to release gasses, it should be stinky.
  19.  Then reseal and store kimchi in fridge for up to 1 month.
  20.  Add to soup, as a side dish, or with veggie burgers.


REVIEW: Kasutkuu 👍

Friday, March 24, 2017

I had buy Kasutkuu shoes once and I want to  buy more. Kasutkuu shoes is the best shoe with affordable price. catch this at Instagram @Kasutkuu


CalaQisya Men Collection 👍

Friday, March 24, 2017

Another surprise by CalaQisya. Men Collection is now available at here

Minaz Colours Peonies 2.0 👍

Friday, March 24, 2017

Catch this Minaz Colours Peonies 2.0 at here

How To Eat With Budu 👄

Friday, March 24, 2017

Hi fellas , shorten things up. Today I want to teach you how to eat with budu. There is a different between eat budu and eat with budu. People doesn’t really eat budu itself couse it is too salty. So this are recipe;
1.       Budu + lime + bird chili (so called cili api)
This combination will some hint of sour and spicy to the budu.

2.       Budu + durian + bird chili
This is a superb combination that will make everyone’s mouth watery.

3.       Budu + durian + bird chili and eat with fried fish.
Another superb combination!!

4.       Budu + crushed chili
Normally I eat this with Nasi Kerabu,

That’s all for now. Budu also can be cook with something. Such as Kelantan’s sambal tumis , just a drop of budu and it will be delicious to eat with hot rice.

Sushi Treat 👍

Friday, March 24, 2017

Its Friday guysss. Lets have some sushi treat before finishing some assignments.

Each A Cup

Friday, March 24, 2017

This is where I'd go every time I need a refreshment or simply when I am craving for bubble tea. It is located not far from my house so I could simply walk to the nearest Tesco and purchase a cup. I do think it's far cheaper than Chatime, which only offers almost limited menus unlike Each A Cup. 

Today I decided to try something new. I'd usually order Orea Crunch but this time I had it with Strawberry Pop. Strawberry Pop are like the usual bubble teas, except when you bite it they will pop and melt inside your mouth. The texture is soft and the taste is sweet and tasty. It almost makes me forget the greatness of bubble tea and rather I do think I should just order my drinks with Strawberry Pop as the add on from today. 

You Are Special

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Related image

People often see other people with tanned skin is not pretty, disgusting and more terrible is not deserve to live in this world.Me as a tanned skin girl also sometime feels not confident, because i see girl who have a fair skin is so beautiful. Compared to me seems like a trash. Seriously.. i always feel that way. *pity me* but.. as i grew up and i should thank God for this tanned skin. I feel somehow like I’m special you know.* flip hair*
So, girlss.. if you have tanned skin no worries because you’re special. Trust me. People are admiring of your skin so be proud of it. Be confident and you are beautiful just the way you are *mcm lirik lagu pulak* hehe beauty are not define by skin tone and whatnot. For me beauty is when you have a good soul and automatically you are beautiful.

In Hollywood they love tanned skin and kadang2 ada orang yang sanggup berjemur tepi pantai to get their skin tanned. So you should be thankful for that.Yes i know, ade je sesetengah orang yang still nak berkawan pon pilih rupa, warna kulit and whatnot. Come on people we are in 2017 already.... that kind of mindset is really NO NO.tak kira la you kulit cerah or sawo matang ke. You guys are beautiful! Everybody in this world has created with their own beauty. So takde istilah kau lawa aku buruk, aku cantik kau hodoh. TAK ADA!After writing this I feel like am extra pretty la. LOLL

So, be confident, classy, fabulous and most importantly be the best version of you.


"No one is you and that is you strength "

An Ode To Rookie Magazine

Thursday, March 23, 2017

I first discovered Rookie Magazine when I was 18. I was fresh out of high school, and spent my time at home getting bored whilst finding jobs here and there. 2015 is easily considered as one of the darkest times of my life, albeit I've been through worse. It was the year where I felt lost. In a way I couldn't contemplate the real purpose of my existence in this world. Who am I? No, don't tell me "You're Farhira." I know that. But who am I? What purpose do I serve in this world? What is my ambition? Why does the future seems so dark when once I was a bright child who could make her parents proud?

Amid of contemplating my life goals and seeing everyone else around me slowly but surely achieving theirs, I found Rookie Magazine. When I found out that RookieMag is an online magazine for teenage girls, it doesn't sound like a big deal to me. Sure, another magazine for teenage girls that will only tell me how to perfect my smile for the boy I have a crush on or how to get ready for the perfect summer look in 5 minutes! Then I found out that the editor-in-chief and founder of the magazine is Tavi Gevinson, who was only 15 years old when she founded the company.

This information surprised me. It enlightens a spark inside me, like an awakening or a wake-up call I've been longing for. The simple information was somehow the most inspiring thing I've discovered in that year full of dull and shallow moments. How can someone so young be able to run a company? So I went on the site. And to come as a surprise, RookieMag was NOTHING alike those magazines so-called dedicated for teenage girls I've been reading throughout my entire teenage years!

Tavi Gevinson
One of the first few essays I read on Rookie is How To Structure Your Days If You're Depressed. This, of course, to me was relatable. I needed the essay. I was going through hell at 18, and Rookie was the online guidance written by the women I've never met, but somehow their writings resonates so much of happiness to me. What I enjoy the most about Rookie Mag is almost all of the writers and the contributors are teenagers themselves, which means they know what to provide to teenagers out there. At 18, I felt I was old to be reading Rookie and wished I had discovered Rookie sooner because it would've definitely helped me a lot when I was high school dealing with countless problems with my friends and school work. But apparently, I wasn't the only one who felt this way. Many adults wished Rookie existed during their teenage years, and in fact Rookie still does help them surviving their adult life!

Rookie Magazine is simply a magazine for all teenage girls who is still in quest of discovering themselves. Rookie doesn't give you straight the solution to all of your problems, in fact they are still learning and searching for all the solution in this crazy world but Rookie exists to tell teenage girls that whatever problem they are facing, it's fine. There is always a solution to everything. Rookie also acts as platform which introduced me to many great films, music, essays and writers of course! I discovered many great writers from Rookie such as Amy Rose Spiegel, Arabelle Sicardi and of course Tavi herself, who is a tremendous writer! I knew I wanted to be a writer, but didn't have the guts to announce it to everyone until I discovered Rookie. I am glad Rookie serves as a place for girls to discover many things about themselves, and not only that, Rookie also serves teenage girls with the latest news in the social, economical and political field.

Rookie Magazine is also the first platform that was responsible for introducing me to feminism. In the midst of everyone else spreading words that feminism is nothing but a type of cancer to the society, Rookie acts as a light to show the way and give reasons why feminism matters, especially for young girls.

To be honest, if it weren't for feminism, I wouldn't be as confident as I am today. Feminism helps me to stand up for myself and my beliefs and be proud of it. Feminism taught me to avoid girl-on-girl hate and the importance of female solidarity. Feminism taught me to chase my dreams when everyone else around seems so eager to put me down just because I want to be a writer. Feminism allows me to always dream bigger, and instead of hoping to be a writer someday, I now want to achieve other things such as being a film director and screenwriter. Feminism taught me that what boys think of me don't matter and will never be. Most importantly, feminism taught me self-love, because before this being kind to myself seems like something that I do not deserve due to everything that I had to go through.

Oh how I wish I could tell you more about how much I love RookieMag but words can't even describe the amount of euphoria that hits me every time I go on their site. The essays are magnificent and eminently inspiring, the advice columns screams "Hey, we are not perfect, nobody is, but many of us have gone through the same thing as you so don't worry we are here to help you!" The photos taken seems so professional when really most of them are taken by teenage girls and their cheap old film cameras. Also, the countless talented musicians, actors and artists such as Thom Yorke, Lorde, and Joanna Newsom, they all have given interviews and their advice to teenage girls reading Rookie as well, which shows these people acknowledge the existence of an online magazine for teenage girls where the purpose is solely to spread positivity and inspirational messages!

Until today, I will always be thankful for the existence of Rookie Magazine. Rookie has helped me to pave my way to become a writer, in a way it has become so inspiring and so endearing to me at the same time. Rookie has taught me many things, from feminism to world political views to pop culture to how to be a better writer. Somehow the awkward lonely teenage girl inside me has turned into a somewhat inspiring person, and what makes me happy is I have become my own inspiration. Truth to be told, I wouldn't be the girl I am today, wildly ambitious and always see the importance of self-love above anything else, if it weren't for Rookie. Rookie gave me a voice I never thought I had, and I hope Rookie will continue to do this in the future because if anything, teenage girls need Rookie Mag now more than ever.



Thursday, March 23, 2017

Original Classic, Avenue k

Searching for my new kicks.

March baby

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My brother, everybody

Last Saturday me and my family was celebrated my brother birthday which is the real date of his birthday is 16th March. Tapi sebab on that day i have a class and everybody was so busy then we decided to make it on Saturday night.

A simple cake made by me. *kidding* i wish i knew how to bake a cake.

We had invited his friends and this is just a small birthday party for him.

So here my wish to you my baby brother, and not so baby anymore. Happy 12th birthday to you Nadim. I wish nothing but the best for your life. May Allah swt bless you in dunya and hereafter.

AND happy birthday too to my sister (20/3).

whoever are celebrated their birthday,


QUOTES: Hello 👍

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Just a simple Hello would be great to start a conversatio that ends decades ago.



Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Last sunday, i went for girls day out foodhunt at Foodsbury section 9 Shah Alam.

Foodsbury is a great place to lepak with your girls. They serve scrumptious western cuisine that all of you should try. Definitely a must!👍

FOOD REVIEW: Nasi Kerabu 👍

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This marvellous nasi kerabu is from Sapedex - food delivery sec 13 Shah Alam. My first bite of this nasi kerabu was like heaven! Must try!

just call for delivery

 Mohd Hakim - 019 3907473

Cara Untuk Berjaya Dalam Hidup.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017
by: Yazidane

Kegagalan adalah sesuatu yang amat memeritkan. Kenapakah anda sentiasa gagal. Adakah anda tidak ingin berjaya. Kejayaan adalah impian bagi setiap orang dan bagi mencapai kejayaan bebebarapa langkah perlu dipatuhi oleh anda. Amalkan langkah-langkah bagaimana menjadi berjaya di bawah jika anda ingin menjadi seorang yang berjaya.

1 Fokus
Tiada kejayaan tanpa formula yang betul. Jadi apakah formulanya untuk berjaya? Formula pertama adalah tumpuan/fokus. Apabila anda melakukan sesuatu kerja maka lakukanlah bersungguh-sungguh dan berikan sepenuh tumpuan kepadanya.

2 Disiplin
Pastikan anda mempunyai disiplin diri yang kuat. Disiplin diri yang kuat semasa melakukan kerja membolehkan kerja anda menjadi lebih teratur dan sistematik. Sekiranya seseorang itu tiada disiplin maka dia tidak akan berjaya.

3 Tenaga dan Komitmen
Berikan sepenuh komitmen anda terhadap apa yang ingin anda capai. Seseorang yang sanggup memberi komitmen terbaiknya dan sanggup berkorban masa,harta dan tenaga pasti akan berjaya.

4 Minat
Tanamkan minat terhadap apa yang anda lakukan. Pastikan anda melakukan sesuatu itu bukan hanya kerana wang dan jadikan wang nombor dua selepas minat. Apabila hanya wang menjadi tujuan anda maka agak sukar anda menerima kenyataan apabila perniagaan/projek anda mengalami kerugian. Jadikan kerja anda sebagai sesuatu perkara yang anda minati dan kejayaan melaksanakannya sebagai satu kepuasan.

5 Rajin Berusaha, Berusaha, Berusaha dan Berusaha Lagi
Untuk berjaya, kita perlu sentiasa berusaha. Bak kata pepatah “Usaha Adalah Tangga Kejayaan” jadi tidak syak lagi sekiranya kita rajin berusaha maka kejayaan pasti dalam genggaman kita.

6 Jangan Putus Asa
Kuatkan semangat anda dan jangan mudah berputus asa apabila ditimpa kegagalan. Hidup ini ada masa turun dan naik jadi apabila anda jatuh fikir bahawa anda akan naik semula

This article was originally posted in bagaimana malaysia. Posted here by mimi suhaila for educational purpose only.

Lets Singles Meet New People Over A Meal

Monday, March 20, 2017
by: Dorothy tan

If you are single, chances are that you would have more opportunities to dine alone at a restaurant—FUN Korean TV recently shared a clip of a restaurant in South Korea that has created a fun concept for singles to meet new people unexpectedly over a meal.

After lone diners are served their food at a single’s table, a tablet on their side would flash a message that asked if they would like to have someone else eat with them.

If the diner tap on the “yes” option, the partition in front of them would be raised, revealing the person who is having their meal on the other side of the table—the two diners would then be served a “lovers special” by the resturant.

Even for people who are not looking for a date, this may be an interesting way to get to know someone new.

this article was originally posted in Posted here by mimi suhaila for educational purpose only.