hoax news

Friday, May 05, 2017

By: Ellysha Zuraimi

I am pretty sure that all of us had received this kind of whatsapp messages: 

" Malam ni antara jam 12.30 am hingga 3.30 am, pastikan tutup hp tablet, laptop dll dan jauhkn dr badan anda. TV Singapore tlh mengumumkn berita tersebut. Tlg beritahu keluarga dan sahabat2 anda. Malam ini  antara jam 12.30 pagi hingga 3.30 pagi bumi kita akan menghadapi radiasi yg paling tinggi. Pancaran cahaya Cosmic akn melintasi dekat dgn bumi. Oleh itu tutup hp dll dan jauhkn  dr badan anda sbb ianya akn menyebabkan kita mendapat kesan radiasi yg merbahaya....Boleh siasat di google dan NASA dan berita BBC. Hantarkan mesej ini kpd org2 lain yg penting bg anda. Anda bisa menyelamatkan nyawa ramai orang dgn berbuat demikian "

This is a hoax news. Fake. The truth is cosmic rays pass by earth every second so its not a thing to worry about. plus earth has magnetosphere as shields from cosmic rays. 

Furthemore this fake news went viral since August 2011. 

Hey Malaysians, guys please. the thing yang perlu kita risau adalah how netizens spread news without checking the truth. 

Clearly we should stop spreading fake news to others. If it is correct, then there will be aired on television and not by whatsapp. 

With this kind of action, society might feel scared and start mainstreaming. 


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