Dove and Pigeon

Friday, May 12, 2017

by: Ellysha Zuraimi

people do judge. people do give first impression. But its not about how people give first impressions. This is about how people treat dove lovely and not the same way to pigeon.

I picture dove as a women or men that have white skin, tall, beautiful or handsome.


I picture pigeon as short, fat, dark, and not as attractive as dove.

I do know that people choose the best for whatever reason is. But what if in organisation, this pigeon is a hardworking person, do heavy work and all. While dove only do things that is simple and easy. 

It happened to some of us, it happened to me. 

Do heavy works, lift heavy things, run from downstairs to upstairs and repeatedly while this dove is sitting on a chair just do simple work. And still this dove gets gratifications and thanks while no one thanked us the one who prepared everything and clean up every mess. 

People. Do appreciate us, the pigeons. We are not KULI and we deserve a thanks. 

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