You Are Special

Thursday, March 23, 2017


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People often see other people with tanned skin is not pretty, disgusting and more terrible is not deserve to live in this world.Me as a tanned skin girl also sometime feels not confident, because i see girl who have a fair skin is so beautiful. Compared to me seems like a trash. Seriously.. i always feel that way. *pity me* but.. as i grew up and i should thank God for this tanned skin. I feel somehow like I’m special you know.* flip hair*
So, girlss.. if you have tanned skin no worries because you’re special. Trust me. People are admiring of your skin so be proud of it. Be confident and you are beautiful just the way you are *mcm lirik lagu pulak* hehe beauty are not define by skin tone and whatnot. For me beauty is when you have a good soul and automatically you are beautiful.

In Hollywood they love tanned skin and kadang2 ada orang yang sanggup berjemur tepi pantai to get their skin tanned. So you should be thankful for that.Yes i know, ade je sesetengah orang yang still nak berkawan pon pilih rupa, warna kulit and whatnot. Come on people we are in 2017 already.... that kind of mindset is really NO NO.tak kira la you kulit cerah or sawo matang ke. You guys are beautiful! Everybody in this world has created with their own beauty. So takde istilah kau lawa aku buruk, aku cantik kau hodoh. TAK ADA!After writing this I feel like am extra pretty la. LOLL

So, be confident, classy, fabulous and most importantly be the best version of you.


"No one is you and that is you strength "

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